Green Gram
Characteristics | State |
Hypocotyl: Anthocyanin colouration | Absent |
Time of flowering | Early (<40 days) |
Plant: Growth habit | Spreading |
Plant: Habit | Determinate |
Determinate | Green with purple splashes |
Stem: Pubescence | Present |
Leaflet: Lobes (terminal) | Absent |
Leaf: Shape (terminal) | Ovate |
Leaf: Colour | Green |
Leaf: Vein colour | Green |
Petiole: Colour | Green |
Leaf: size (at 5th node from the base) | Medium |
Flower: Colour of petal (standard) | Light yellow |
Pod: Colour of premature pod | Absent |
Pod: Pubescence | Absent |
Pod: Postion | Intermediate |
Plant: Height | Short (<50 cm) |
Pod: Colour | Black |
Pod: Length (mature pod) | Short (< 8 cm) |
Seed: Colour | Green |
Seed: Lusture | Dull |
Seed: Shape | Oval |
Seed: Size | Medium (3 to 5 g) |